One of my first projects with Bruker-AXS was redecorating their 6 working science labs, classroom and two meeting rooms.
I was told later by the VP of Marketing, who invited me to the meeting...I thought you could help pick out some colors...After listening to him, I didnt think that was all they needed or were asking for... they wanted a high end looking environment to bring in clients and demonstrate Bruker's scientific equipment. I worked with our technical writer who was playing around with 3D Blender at the time and we developed a 3D walk through movie of my concept of what I believed they really wanted.... and it came with a price tag.
I knew in order to sell this "top to bottom re-do" I would have to show them how this would look. After seeing the walk through and the elevations, we were granted the money and then set up our team to make it happen!
The area took 9 months to complete. I was able to design the front glass doors, all the furniture, placement of furniture, colors, textures, art work, lighting fixtures and more.

Custom made etched glass doors, floor to ceiling glass, 3D textured wall as you enter the lab area. As you can see it was quite a transformation.